Sunday, October 29, 2006


It has been a busy few weeks here in the wilds of western MA, so a little catching up is in order:

We recently hosted our first official visitors, starting off with the esteemed Mr. Adam Soderlind two weeks ago. Hiking, pool, pizza, and pandas were featured elements of the visit. We had a great time, and I shall be scouting out local off-road cycling trails in anticipation of his next visit.

Hiking up Mt. Holyoke.

Next, Heidi’s parents, sister Holly, and brother Troy flew into town, as Holly was visiting several colleges out here. During their time here we spent a day in Historic Deerfield (it was Archaeology Day!), trekked to the top of Mt. Holyoke, and, for old times’ sake, I defeated Troy at NHL hockey on my trusty old Playstation.

Putting Troy to work: loading up for a run to the garbage dump.

Another trip up Mt. Holyoke -- great views of the Pioneer Valley.

In Historic Deerfield: Holly expresses surprise when she realizes she doesn't already know everything, while Troy plots how to stump Jay with his next batch of Green Bay Packers trivia questions.

Randy with camera on Mt. Sugarloaf.

We really enjoyed seeing people and being able to show everyone around the area of our adopted home.

A final update: I’ve now begun my new job at Smith College in nearby Northampton, MA. I am working as a counselor for the college’s Career Development Office. Am really enjoying the work, and this position is closely related to my original professional goals when I decided to pursue graduate school. I miss my colleagues at Capella and will definitely miss the work and work environment of that institution, but am also very excited about this next step in my career.

- jbc

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

More fun in the local news...

From last Friday's Greenfield Reporter:

Shelburne woman seeks aid with stray cat tormenting her

SHELBURNE — Mechanic Street resident P. Goodwin complained to the selectmen this week that a stray cat has been tormenting her for three years.

She presented selectmen with a petition, signed by four neighbors, who would like to see the cat removed. Selectmen indicated that cats are not within the animal control officer’s jurisdiction, but said that Goodwin could have a warrant article at town meeting to have cats registered.

Goodwin said that the cat has prevented her from sleeping because of its yowling. It also is frequently in fights with other neighborhood cats, and once intruded into her home, she said.

Goodwin indicated that Selectman Joseph Judd has tried to capture the cat with a Havahart trap but has not succeeded. The trap has only been successful in capturing a skunk, she said.

Goodwin said Friday she was unsatisfied with the selectmen’s response and plans to seek a gun permit so she can “defend” her house against the cat, which she said has entered her house through a cat window as recently as Thursday night.


Friday, October 06, 2006

Fun with linguistics...

Since I still don't understand most of what I am reading, Jay and I decided I might as well have some fun with linguistics. The terms lend themselves quite nicely to insulting-sounding phrases. Our favorite so far: "Take your fricative dipthong and go aspirate yourself!" I don't think this counts as extra credit for the course, however...


Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Turf Wars

Greenfield is a town just north of Deerfield; it's a bit bigger in population, more retail and restaurant options, and a bit more "stuff" going on -- Greenfield is the Brainerd to Deerfield's Baxter. The following item was reported in the Greenfield police log for October 2:

"5:05 p.m. -- Group of youths in front of Fiske Avenue location swearing and yelling at residents and refusing to leave, officers sent, spoke with involved parties having a turf war, one subject believes she owns the street, peace restored."

- jbc