Thursday, January 25, 2007

Super Bowl Contest!

Surprisingly, there is little mourning in the general public over the loss of the New England Patriots. TV coverage, however, is another story. Analysis over the analysis over the speculation of "what went wrong" in the second half of Sunday's game is on nearly every local channel. Boring...

Now that the teams have been set for the Super Bowl, we are trying to find a fun way to watch the game. In the absence of the Ranua's stadium seating and the great "play along" game, we are afraid there just won't be enough excitement on game day. We would try to host a rival Super Bowl party in an attempt to break the Standard Oil-like monopoly the Ranua's have on the event, but 1400 miles is a long way to travel for some chips and dip (although we could offer some great local microbrews). It looks like it will be a party for two, but we need your help to make it fun--we've been entertaining each other for the past six months and we're out of ideas!

So if you have suggestions to offer on how to hold a Super Bowl Party for Two, we are all ears. Offer us suggestions in the "Comments" section, and we'll blog about our favorites. The person who offers our favorite suggestion will win a straight-from-the source, genuine Yankee Candle! We get to pick the scent, of course...


p.s. The spell check function on the blog doesn't recognize the word "blog" and suggests replacing the word "Ranua" with "raunchy"


Anonymous said...

Alternatives to Super Bowl Watching:
1. paint your faces while blindfolded and do each other's face. Then take photos to post on the blog.
2. bake chocolate chip cookies and make Jason stuff as many as he can into his mouth. Then take photos and post on the blog.
3. give each other pedicures with pink nail polish. Then take photos and post on the blog.
4. go bowling on super bowl sunday while wearing some type of football garb. Then take photos and post on the blog.
5. make the largest bowl of dip in the world and invite homeless people and give them chips. Then take photos and post on the blog.
6. take a trip to your local dollar store and buy all the lifesavers you can afford. Line them all up, end to end at your local football field and see how many it takes to get from one end to the other. Then take photos and post on the blog.
7. lay around in your jammies all day until you get stinky and begin to smell like onions. No need to post these photos on the blog.

Anonymous said...

Play football charades. I bet Jay could do a mean impression of a goal post or helemt. Create your own Super Bowl Commercials using words from Heidis Lingistics class...

Anonymous said...

"we need your help to make it fun--we've been entertaining each other for the past six months and we're out of ideas!" ?!?!?!

Ed's note: I am not out of ideas. For example, I'm constantly encouraging Heidi to watch more Telemundo , to join me in Count-The-Subaru-Outbacks contests, and to think of good ways to heighten the already-bitter interstate rivalry between Massachusetts and Connecticut.

Anonymous said...

[W]e've been entertaining each other for the past six months and we're out of ideas!

The above quote from HBC begs for some perverted comment. Since this is, generally, a Rated-PG blog, I will refrain, and instead pose the following suggestions, none of which are Superbowl-themed:

1. Recite lines from Silence of the Lambs using Muppet voices. Kermit and Piggy as Hannibal and Clarice work well. As do Waldorf and/or Statler playing the part of Jack Gordon, aka Jame Gumb.

2. Draft New England-themed Mad Libs for us all to fill in, such as the following:

[New England Football Team Quarterback] is a [obscene gerund] [anatomical noun], and can't hold [current Boston Red Sox player]'s [noun]. He should be traded to [WNBA Team], where he might make a [adjective] [noun].

3. Build an invincible killer robot with spud gun arms. Oh wait... JBC already did that, I believe.

Anonymous said...

Surround yourselves with your Portable Nerd Clan dolls and play a Superbowl themed drinking game!

Anonymous said...