Sunday, October 28, 2007

Scenes from South Deerfield, part 4

It's been awhile since we posted pics of the neighborhood, so here's a few shots of New England in fall...

Took this shot from our backyard last weekend after a brief storm had just come through. The "hill" in to the right side in the background is Big Sugarloaf, and Mt. Sugarloaf is just out of the frame to the right.
Some views from the top of Mt. Sugarloaf. This is looking south - Connecticut River is in the foreground, Mt. Holyoke range in the distance approx. 10-15 miles.
A few shots looking more south-easterly, across the river towards a town named Sunderland.

Looking nearly due east from Mt. Sugarloaf. Mt. Toby in the background -- supposed to have great hiking trails; we haven't checked it out yet, but it's on our to-do list.

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