Friday, December 14, 2007

Christmas in less than two weeks? That can't be right?!?

Wow. The academic semester is winding down, schools go into final exams next week. If you talk to or email Heidi over the next few days, be sure to ask her how much work she has to finish before the break. :-)

So, New Englanders aren't big fans of cold temps (anything below 10 degrees F freaks 'em out), but getting a foot of snow in about 8 hours really doesn't phase them -- par for the course, as the saying goes. Still some digging out to do before the next major snow dump starts tomorrow. We might even get our snowshoes out before heading back to MN for the holidays!


Monday, December 03, 2007

Turn on the radio in the morning...

Good news: The colleges are starting two hours late today due to inclement weather -- snow and freezing rain.

Bad news: I didn't discover the late start until I arrived at work and found that I was the only one in the building. Oops...


We got our Christmas tree yesterday! Bought it from a nice fella who grows a bunch of trees in his backyard, wears a lot of camouflage, and has three beat-up pickups in the driveway, one featuring a "Dog is my Co-Pilot" bumper sticker. Customers drive right onto his lawn, then go wandering in search of the perfect tree while a couple of wise-looking hunting dogs patiently follow. When you've picked your winner, he comes running with a chainsaw, chops it down, and sends you on your way...

- Jay