Monday, December 03, 2007

Turn on the radio in the morning...

Good news: The colleges are starting two hours late today due to inclement weather -- snow and freezing rain.

Bad news: I didn't discover the late start until I arrived at work and found that I was the only one in the building. Oops...


We got our Christmas tree yesterday! Bought it from a nice fella who grows a bunch of trees in his backyard, wears a lot of camouflage, and has three beat-up pickups in the driveway, one featuring a "Dog is my Co-Pilot" bumper sticker. Customers drive right onto his lawn, then go wandering in search of the perfect tree while a couple of wise-looking hunting dogs patiently follow. When you've picked your winner, he comes running with a chainsaw, chops it down, and sends you on your way...

- Jay

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